We welcome back yoga instructor and wellness specialist Katie Sayad to the Fruitful Life Blog! Last time, she helped us discover ways to detox our homes, and now she's helping us find our balance this spring...

The Spring Equinox represents harmony in nature, where day and night become balanced. It serves as a starting point for dynamic transformation in the natural world. As we seek ways to renew ourselves in sync with nature, spring presents a powerful time to release what holds us back, press the reset button and start over. It's time to let go of what no longer serves us, and open up to the beginning of new dreams and new realities.

It’s important to take this opportune time to be with yourself, quiet your mind, meditate, journal, and celebrate how far you’ve come. Then, envision what you want to create and begin planting those seeds. You are capable of manifesting what you choose to focus on! Wherever your energy goes is what grows.

However, it’s also important to remember that the mind is an instrument. We can’t let it play us. Thinking is the job of the mind. Our job is to observe the mind, and then consciously choose the thoughts we want to engage with (or not) at each moment. The thoughts we feed it are the ones that will grow and create our reality.

The Art of Meditation

One challenge is learning to befriend the mind so that day-to-day worries, stresses, and other thoughts we carry around don’t get in the way of experiencing the miracle of life on earth. The practice of mediation is the most powerful tool for developing the capacity to calm the fluctuations of our thoughts.

Meditation helps us observe our thoughts and emotions. It helps to bring us back to the preciousness of the present that we are gifted with. Meditation is a gift to ourselves, especially for our mind—just ten minutes of practice can change your day... Creating a regular meditation practice can change your life.

The more you practice meditation, the more mindful you can be of the present. When you are truly present, and allow yourself to experience life exactly the way it is (rather than how you think it should be) the miracle of the moment shines forth. The more likely you are to appreciate the simple wonders of life on earth. This might include a beautiful sunset, a cool breeze, the smile of a stranger, a hug from a loved one, or a blooming flower. Rather than focusing on what we don’t have, meditation encourages us to focus on what we have all around us.

When beginning to establish a meditation practice, you may feel that there is a right or wrong way. Or, you may feel you should be able to stop your thoughts and experience perfect peace. These are simply unrealistic expectations. Over time and with practice, the mind will be able to enter greater degrees of absorption. But to begin, remember to be kind and gentle with yourself. Trust the process and enjoy the journey.

A Guided Meditation Practice

Positive black mother with kids meditating together with closed eyes at home

Feel your "sitz bones": the two boney knobs at the base of your pelvis. Root them into the earth. Begin to feel the crown of your head lifting up toward the sky, drawing your spine long. Soften your jaw and forehead, and relax your abdomen. Begin to notice your breath and the gentle pulse as it moves in and out through the nose. Invite your attention to stay with your breath, allowing your awareness to float on the gentle waves moving in and out of your body.

Be a compassionate observer: taking in whatever might be moving with your awareness. Whenever you notice your mind drift away, return to the sensation of your breath. Notice the bodily sensations, thoughts, and emotions as you sit and breathe. Let them all come and go. Society may be telling us that we always need more. Just take a deep breath in, and simply empty your mind as you exhale. When you’re ready, open your eyes. Look around and receive the miracle of this moment. You are here and you are enough.

With your newfound meditation skills, you can hope to have a more peaceful, balanced transition into spring! Stay tuned for the second part of Katie's article coming up. The next part will focus on the importance of breathing, a breathing exercise, and utilizing essential oils. See you soon!


About the Author

Katie Sayad is a passionate wellness specialist based in the Chicago-land area. As a certified health and wellness coach and yoga teacher, what drives her in her work with the community is the desire for us to live as the healthiest and fullest expression of ourselves. We can simplify and de-clutter the busyness of our lives, to journey on a path to a more meaningful life.

Katie shares various tools, techniques, and practices to help others fall back in love, with themselves and with life, by connecting deeply within. She shares her knowledge and passion to the community within her health and wellness programs, yoga classes and workshops. You can learn more about Katie and her work at www.katiesayad.com.

Are you ready to quiet your mind and discover your truest self? You can schedule a private discovery call with Katie. The "Kickstart Your Health & Wellness Discovery" Call entails a private session with Katie. There, you'll go over a thorough health assessment and create an individualized action plan to clarify exactly where you are and where you need to go. You can book your complimentary 30-minute discovery call by searching: https://katiesayad.com/pages/discovery-call. Katie looks forward to holding space for you.

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