Today we present part two of our detox week with healthy friend, Dr. Mia Iyer! (Find part one, her detoxing Ginger Jamu recipe here!) Dr. Mia is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Physician based in Chicago. She received her bachelor’s in Biomedical Sciences & Biotechnology, and completed her doctorate at National University of Health Sciences. With a passion for research, she focuses on publishing peer-reviewed journals with a primary interest on gut health. 

Dr. Mia has treated hundreds of patients using an integrative approach–combining methods such as acupuncture, rehabilitative yoga, and holistic nutrition. Targeting her patients’ health goals by developing sustainable habits to live a healthy and balanced life is the heart of what Dr. Mia does! She rounds out her education with a number of other certifications, including 200 hours of Yoga Training. She practices and teaches yoga in her community, and continually shares her passion for all things wellness through her blog: "On the Well" and her Instagram: @onthewellbydrmia

We hope you enjoy her detox tips!

When January 1st hits, we're all excited to turn the page and start fresh, aren’t we? There is always something about the new year that gets us "in the mode" to make lifestyle changes. New year equals new health goals, and new intentions. One common health practice people commit to is a detox program. Detox programs are a great way to get one's health back on track. While there are specific ways to go about a detox, here are five general rules of thumb everyone doing a detox should consider...

1. Focus on quality of the food

Whether the detox calls for adding or omitting certain foods, it's incredibly important to focus on quality. Giving your body wholesome, organic foods really increases the nutrient value in your meals. One of the main detox organs is the gut. Keeping food quality high ensures the gut gets the nutrients it needs to thrive! In turn, a healthy gut microbiome helps produce vitamins and minerals the rest of the body needs.

2. Take care of your skin

Woman in White Sweater and Black Pants Sitting on Brown Couch

Along with the gut, the skin is also a major detox organ! Think about it, it's the largest organ and a physical barrier that protects you all day, every day! It's exposed to so many environmental toxins, including all skin care products that we use daily. Think about all the cleansers, creams, serums, deodorants, and makeup we use and layer. During a detox, try to avoid using chemical-laden makeup and skincare products. Instead, opt for natural products such as coconut oil, castile soap and clean beauty products to reduce the toxic burden.

3. Work it out

This is a no brainer and cannot be emphasized enough! You might have read this or heard this over and over again, but sometimes it takes repetition to really make it stick! While cardio and high-intensity workouts have their benefits, I would recommend low-impact workouts such as barre, Pilates and yoga during detox phases. These promote more mechanical twists and turns that support detox processes naturally.

4. Give dry brushing a try

Woman in White Sweater Holding Brown Wooden Spoon

Dry Brushing is an ancient ayurvedic tradition that is incorporated in detox protocols to promote lymphatic drainage. It is great way to improve circulation along with lymphatic system function where toxins are moved and propelled out of the system. It feels great and definitely counts as self-care!

5. Think about doing a digital detox as well

Happy kids throwing foliage in park

Ok, this one might be the hardest! We live in the digital age now, and while it has permanently sneaked into our lives, it's important to not let it control us. With social media influence, stress-provoking news and overflowing inboxes, it can all get overwhelming. You might have heard the saying, “we are what we eat”, but in reality, we are what we eat, drink, touch, hear and watch. Think about ditching social media for a few days. This might be a perfect time to relax with loved ones, pick up a book you've always wanted to read, or learn a new skill.

Here’s the bottom line: there are so many detox protocols that can be personalized to individual needs. But, the detox practices listed above can be made unanimous across the board. From promoting liver function to supporting inflammatory balance, these tips can very easily be incorporated to help promote overall wellbeing. We hope they come in handy to kick off 2021, and beyond! For more of Dr. Mia Iyer, be sure to connect with her on Instagram @onthewellbydrmia

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